
The Unloved Mate


The Unloved Mate

Length: 06hrs 14mins 56 episodesCompleted
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"There are a few things to know about 'Isabella' She's​ an omega.. Love's cooking... she's a dark brown wolf named 'Nora'... most of the pack does not know she exists... 'bella does not know what love is as her own parents never gave her any. She cooks, cleans, and does any work thrown at her but she does it all because she thinks 'one day my mate will come and shower me with love and make up for all these years'. but that hope soon vanishes when her mate rejects her...... The only thing she had was taken away from her. Hope. Of being loved. Of having a mate. Her life source was taken away from her...she wanted to die, but her wolf did not let her. Someone needs you bella, you still have a purpose to live, moon Goddess is not cruel..just hold on...; were her exact words. follow Isabella on her journey of love. i can assure you it has a happy ending..."


  • Paranormal
  • alpha
  • possessive
  • kickass heroine
  • omega
  • drama
  • sweet
  • bxg
  • werewolves
  • love at the first sight


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